
Before downloading and importing the WunderSys .zip file please configure your Serverside Curing.

Turn on curing by doing CURING ON, CURING AFFLICTIONS ON.

If you use Concoctions do CURING TRANSMUTATION OFF, if Transmutation then CURING TRANSMUTATION ON.

Set your health and mana sip thresholds by doing CURING SIPHEALTH|SIPMANA {percent} (80 is a good start).

Set your moss health and mana eating thresholds by doing CURING MOSSHEALTH|MOSSMANA {percent} (10 below your sip health, so 70 if you used 80).

Lastly enable GMCP in your Mudlet Settings.

Download the .zip file of WunderSys.

Once it is installed and you are logged in check the settings (wshow settings) and configure your pipes (wconfig valerianpipe|elmpipe|skullcappipe {number}).

Set the useinsomnia, usefocus, useclot and userage (Chivalry users only) accordingly, for example wconfig usefocus true.

Updating WunderSys

Download the new WunderSys .zip file.

Use the Package Manager to remove your current WunderSys installation. If you want to keep your current Affliction Priority order, Defence Keepup order and Precache settings please move those out and below of your WunderSys script folder.

Using the same Package Manager install the new WunderSys .zip (or .xml file if your browser automatically unzips downloads) and then restart mudlet.

Affliction Priorities

You can take a peek at the static Affliction Priorities if you look for the 'Affliction Priority Settings' script in the SETTINGS folder. If you wish to mess about with the order I suggest moving that script outside and below the WunderSys script folder (just below would be good). That way you won't lose your affliction priority settings when you update something.

Like serverside curing the afflictions with the highest priority (1 through 25) are cured first. The first slot is left empty so that on the fly priority switching can prioritise certain afflictions in different situations.

Defence Management

Currently there is only a 'basic' profile which contains both keepup and defup defences. It is also different for each class (in preparation for multiclass or class changes), which includes Dragon as its own class. (Turn on Serverside defence keepup by doing CURING DEFENCES ON.)

To set the defences you want to keep up at all times use the wshow keepup alias and click on the defence names you want to keep up at all times.

To set the defences you want to def up with the bdef alias use the wshow defup alias and click on the defence names you want to def up.

While you can have stuff checked in both defup and keepup, I suggest you keep things seperate and only put things on defup that are not also on in keepup.

Some defences aren't quite supported by Serverside curing so I have manual commands for those. They cannot be 'kept up'. The list of those are: Affinity, Astralvision, Barkskin, Bell tatoo, Firefly tattoo, Shield tattoo, Phase, Myrrh, Starburst tatoo, Spirit bonding.

After you have set what defences you want to keep up and def up you should configure the priorities for them. Setting the priorities for keepup defs will set the order in which they are deffed and also influences the curing especially when mass/densitiy and insulation defs with the salve queue.

The priorities for your defup defences will change determine what is deffed up first when you use the bdef alias. So things like cloak and mindseye should take precedence over the curseward and deathsight defence for example.

You can check the current defence priorities with the wshow defprio alias. You can then click on the - to reduce the priority (which moves it up, a little roundabout to think about) or the + to increase its defence priority value and move it down.

You can also manually move things around instead of hitting the + or - several times with the wconfig defname # alias.


To set what minerals or herbs you want to precache take a look at the 'Precache config' script in the SETTINGS folder. You can follow the example used for magnesium and aurum, make sure to use herbal cures if that's what you cure with. If you move the script out and below of the WunderSys folder those settings will be kept if you ever update.

Do, Dofree and Dorepeat

The Dofree queue allows you to queue up to 7 different actions that cost no balance and equilibrium, but require both. WunderSys does this by using the balance or equilibrium queues, which both get executed before the eqbal queue. So if you are off balance dofree will add the things to the balance queue, if you are off equilibrium it will add things to the equilibrium queue. It will default to the balance queue if you are on bal+eq or off bal+eq since balance usually recovers quicker than balance. You can trick the system into chaining more than 7 actions in dofree because I use serverside aliases for this, so just dofree("action 1/action2/action3/action 4") instead of using 4 dofrees.

The Do queue will use the serverside eqbal queue to run the serverside do1 alias that I set up. Use this queue for stuff that costs either balance or equilibrium and requires both to start off with.

The Dorepeat queue will basically send the same action to the do queue over and over until you tell it to stop. Anything you send to the do queue while dorepeat is active will be done first. If you want to bash with dorepeat and there's several targets I advise using "kill &tar" as the dorepeat string and then using serverside targetting with settarget ⟨target⟩ so that you don't have to keep turning dorepeat on and off to set new targets.